Let's do this! I'm in!

First and foremost, we want to thank you for your continued investment with EI Activator as a valued Member! Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to continuously provide our members with valuable benefits and actively develop our EIA community. Put simply, you make what we do possible!

Can you believe how time flew since you first joined? Since that time, your membership has enabled us to accomplish so many initiatives:

  1. We were able to build community and create a safe space for you to be yourself and more!
  2. We held our first international online conference 'UNconfined' with four international keynote speakers in 2021.
  3. We launched the EIA Activator Tool in 2021 and you were the first to experience the story behind the tool and its unique value proposition.
  4. We had our very first EIA Trainer Certification event during 2022 and our second certification during 2023. We are sooo very proud of our EIA Trainers - what an accomplishment!! We truly look forward to partnering with us and to support us to equip even more people around the world to grow strong EI and relational skills.
  5. We journeyed through 41 (and counting) EI genes x 2, met amazing EI experts, connected with like-minded people, made new friends and built new connections! So many testimonials of personal growth and insights shared and experienced!
  6. We established our complimentary support programme "UNwrapped" Conference during 2022 and are now running Season 6!
  7. We uplevelled the whole EIA Experience, by introducing group coaching sessions as from Year 3 membership and beyond!
  8. We also introduced one-on-one coaching opportunities exclusively for our members on Fridays during the later part of 2023. 
  9. As a value-add, we established EIA Care Groups to reach out and connect with other EIA Members in the community!

We hope you’ve been able to personally benefit from your membership with EI Activator. We are standing on your shoulders for believing in us, for trusting the process and transformational learnings and experiences and help establish what EIA stands for today! We would certainly not have come this far without your support and commitment. We are forever grateful to you! If for some reason(s) we did not provide the benefits you were hoping for, let us fix that right away! Email us at [email protected] to see how we may better meet your needs.

If, like most of our members, you are satisfied with your membership, consider renewing by following the prompts below. Your early renewal will help us plan for the next program and content delivery. Make sure to let us know if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear your feedback!

We are so looking forward to a new year of opportunities, brand new content delivery, more intentional growth, even more strengthened relationships, connections and more impactful, positive differences in our own lives and in the lives of people we serve! We hope for you to continue journeying with us in 2024 towards new heights - we are going higher, together!

Hettie, Annatjie, Arnel, Lynette and Kotie

The most comprehensive membership program for deeper insight into individuals, new skills for interpreting and adapting emotions, thought patterns, behavior and interaction ... and lasting influence within and beyond your current circle

As an EIA Member in good standing, you qualify for yet another year of membership at the special EIA Membership subscription fees for Year 3 and beyond! And it's going to be even LOWER than Founding Member rates! 😍🎁🎉🎈
Please scroll down to read more about EIA Membership renewal and other special inclusions when you renew!

The EIA Membership is the only comprehensive membership program of its kind that not only shows you a proven roadmap to embrace and deal with everything that stands between you, healthy relationships and the fulfilling of your purpose - but how to practically apply the new awareness and skills as part of personal development or as part of your coaching business.

We got a whole new 12-month programme mapped out and planned for 2024! For another year of journeying with the EIA  

(either as an EIA Member and / or EIA Trainer)

You will:

Continue to be fully at home with yourself, others, and your world (instead of being sabotaged by character flaws in yourself and others)

◾  No longer be a victim of or allow the same cycles that threaten your purpose and keep you trapped in frustrating circumstances and relationships

◾ Continue to grow beyond the limitations set by temperament weaknesses

Continue to embrace and deal with everything that stands between you, healthy relationships and the fulfilling of your purpose, using a proven roadmap as well as dedicated support from your EI coaches, each step of the way

◾ Continue to have access to ALL EIA content to date, including all bonuses which you qualified for

◾ Continue to develop a high level of emotional awareness and operating from this new awareness level in achieving healthy relationships and goals, with confidence and courage

◾ Monthly live Q&As /  Member-specific Value-add suggestions

◾And here's the BEST part: we will be continuing with the interactive and engaging EIA Group Coaching Programme in 2024, exclusively for Year 3 memberships and beyond! You have the opportunity to use your uniquely designed EIA report as a trusted companion guide and resource and come alongside your EIA mentors and other  members to take your growth the the next level! Group Coaching will be scheduled once per month with specific sections of the EIA report in mind. So get ready for some deep learning like never before! Sessions will be between 1,5 and 2 hours max per month.  Recordings will be made available.

Group coaching is a powerful and effective coaching technique for working with people to improve their health, wellbeing, personal strengths, self-efficacy, leadership qualities, team building, and beyond (Armstrong et al., 2013; McDowall & Butterworth, 2014).

Group coaching provides the group members with someone they can relate to and who understands them well enough to provide them with suggestions and help. It also provides the coach (if you are in this industry or simply act as coach at work, at home and within your community where you serve) with an opportunity to practice his / her skills by working with different groups that have different needs/goals.

Benefits of group coaching that would help coaches and group members understand its importance to changing people’s perspectives in life include amongst others:

  • Socialization
  • Motivation
  • Alignment of mission, vision and values
  • Shared accountability
  • Learning from peers' experiences
  • Comparing notes on experiences and progress

Seeing you in the EIA Membership Experience 2024 is an exciting moment we look forward to!

Hettie Brittz 

Director and Co-author of the EI Activator, Personality types and Leadership styles Expert, Founder of Evergreen Parenting and International Keynote speaker and Author of several books on temperament and parenting.

Annatjie van Zyl

Director and Co-author of the EI Activator, Director: Training and Facilitation at Tall Trees Profiles, Personality types and Temperament Expert and Consultant.

Lynette Berger

Chartered Accountant (SA), Director and Co-Author of the EI Activator, Business Owner: YourEmpoweredPotential, JohnMaxwell Independent Executive Director, Teacher and Coach, Leadership Expert

Dr Arnel Huisamen

MA (Social Work), MA (Positive Psychology), PhD (Social Work) and Director EI Activator. Tall Trees and Evergreen Parenting Facilitator, personality types, temperament and relationship expert.

EIA Member **

$20 | R300 per month

Most Popular

  • For EIA Members, it gets cheaper the longer you stay on! 🎁😍🎉
  • The EIA Group Coaching Membership program will start early January 2024
  • Member-specific, suggested content / engagement activities

Enrolment closes 31 January 2024!


EIA Member **

$200 | R3 000

Pay in Full

  • Everything included with the monthly subscription, PLUS:
  • You save almost $40 | R1 000 (2 months' membership fees)


Enrolment closes 31 January 2024!


** Accredited EIA Trainers and EIA Members currently being trained as EIA Trainers:

For the EIA Trainer to remain relevant and to uphold and maintain licensing and certification rights, it is a requirement for the EIA Trainer (accredited or training in progress) to remain an EIA Member in good standing.

This means that the EIA Trainer needs to subscribe to either a monthly or annual EIA membership subscription with the EIA.

If EIA Membership is being discontinued for whatever reason, the EIA Trainer will loose certification and licensing rights and access to teach EIA material or sell EIA related reports and products. The ongoing EIA membership subscription serves also as a support offering by the EIA Management to certified and accredited EIA Trainers, to assist in upholding the latest versions and developments related to any EIA training related materials, tools, resources, templates.

Receive this value-added service when you enrol for another year at the EIA!

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Introducing: Complimentary 1-Hour Laser-Focused E-Coaching Sessions

I'm excited to offer you a unique opportunity to experience the power of personalized coaching at absolutely no cost to you. In these 1-hour sessions, you have the chance to explore any topic that matters to you, whether it's related to your career, personal development, or anything in between.

Why You Should Seize This Opportunity:

1. Tailored to You: This isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. I'll work with you to tailor the coaching session to your specific needs, challenges, and aspirations.

2. Real Results: You'll leave the session with actionable insights and a clear path forward. I'll provide you with some preparatory work to ensure our time together is maximally productive.

3. Exclusive Access: Personal coaching sessions of this caliber can typically cost over R1k per hour. But as a token of our appreciation for your membership, this opportunity comes to you at absolutely no additional cost.

4. Investing in You: I believe in your potential, and I'm committed to supporting your growth journey. This is my way of investing in your success.

What's Expected:

- Serious Commitment: Come to the session prepared. I'll provide you with a bit of homework and guidance ahead of our meeting. This commitment ensures that our session is focused and valuable.

- Your Feedback: Your insights matter. After the session, I'd appreciate your feedback to continuously improve our coaching experience. Next year, I'm taking my personal growth and development a bit further, so that I can serve you even better!

What is even more special, is that you get to experience coaching, which is also based on Positive Psychology principles! 

Reserve Your Spot:

Spaces for these exclusive coaching sessions are limited, and I'm ready to meet you where you are, on your journey to success. The sessions are usually available on Fridays (first come, first serve basis), providing you with a convenient opportunity to connect and grow.

Topics to Consider for Your Coaching Session:

Here are a few general topics you might find valuable to explore during our session:

 - Career growth and advancement strategies
 - Overcoming challenges in your current role
 - Time management and productivity techniques
 - Enhancing your leadership skills
 - Work-life balance and well-being strategies
 - Transitioning to a new role or industry
 - Goal setting and action planning
 - Business Building, and more!

Remember, this coaching session is all about you and your unique journey. Let's work together to create meaningful breakthroughs.

I can't wait to connect with you and support you in reaching new heights of success. This is your moment—seize it in 2024!

You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Let us say this upfront:

The EIA Membership is the most comprehensive step-by-step experience for individuals, coaches and mentors who are excited and COMMITTED about gaining deeper insight into new skills for interpreting and adapting emotions, thought patterns, behaviour, interaction ... for lasting influence within and beyond their current circles.

Our community is highly-curated and filled with helpful, motivated and super-supportive members who are already highly skilled in Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and much more! When you rejoin, you will remain part of this special group.

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated by the step-by-step, proven roadmap towards becoming and remaining a highly skilled EIA member, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work and we'll refund your investment. 

Burning Q's like-minded individuals, coaches and mentors asked before grabbing renewal access ...

Not yet ready for another year of  EIA Membership? 

Alternative option: Do not join us in 2024 as a Full EIA Member, but have your EIA Content Library remain open *

$17 | R200 per month (cancel anytime)

Includes all 41 EIA lessons x 2, recordings to monthly Q&As and masterclasses, as well as all bonus content received throughout your EIA Memberships subscribed to previously.

Enrolment closes 31 January 2024!

  • Catch up on lessons you have missed, at your own pace
  • Continue to engage with other members in your existing EIA Care Group
  • When you are ready to join the full EIA Membership again in the future, during any of our upcoming member uptake periods (we launch twice a year), you can join again!
  • Access to our offices for administrative support

For this much lower-priced option, you will unfortunately no longer have access to the following benefits:

** EIA Membership Facebook Group

** EIA Membership Telegram Group

** Monthly live Q&As and one-to-one mentor support

** Monthly live Masterclasses, group coaching sessions, one-on-one coaching sessions and other opportunities

* This option unfortunately is not available for EIA accredited trainers or trainers undergoing current accreditation facilitation and training.

I'm not ready for another EIA Membership year yet, please keep my EIA content library open at $17 | R200 per month

Got any questions?

You are most welcome to contact the EIA Team with your question(s) - we will be glad to assist! Send your question to [email protected] and we will respond at our soonest convenience

Yes! I'm definitely in! Let's do this! I want to remain a proud EIA Member! My mind is made up!