$200.00 USD | R3000 Full Pay

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EIA Member Offer - $200 | R3000 Full Pay, Annual (Year 3 & Beyond)

If the answer is a solid 'Yes, let's do this!' 

The EIA Member Experience (Renewal) will include - Level 1 

(A total value of R27 310 / $1 703)

Enrolment open until 30 June 2024

  •  Continue to be fully at home with yourself, others, and your world (instead of being sabotaged by character flaws in yourself and others)

    ◾  No longer be a victim of or allow the same cycles that threaten your purpose and keep you trapped in frustrating circumstances and relationships

    ◾ Continue to grow beyond the limitations set by temperament weaknesses

     Continue to embrace and deal with everything that stands between you, healthy relationships and the fulfilling of your purpose, using a proven roadmap as well as dedicated support from your EI coaches, each step of the way

    ◾ Continue to have access to ALL your EIA content, including all bonuses which you qualified for over the years

    ◾ Continue to develop a high level of emotional awareness and operating from this new awareness level in achieving healthy relationships and goals, with confidence and courage

    ◾ Monthly live Member-specific value-suggestion: EIA Book Club

    ◾And here's the BEST part: Participate in an interactive and engaging EIA Group Coaching Programme in 2024, exclusively for Year 3 and Beyond memberships! Now you have the opportunity to use your uniquely designed EIA report as a trusted companion guide and resource and come alongside your EIA mentors and other members to take your growth the the next level! Group Coaching will be scheduled once per month with specific sections of the EIA report in mind. So get ready for some deep learning like never before! Sessions will be between 1,5 and 2 hours max per month.  Recordings will be made available.

    Group coaching is a powerful and effective coaching technique for working with people to improve their health, wellbeing, personal strengths, self-efficacy, leadership qualities, team building, and beyond (Armstrong et al., 2013; McDowall & Butterworth, 2014).

    Group coaching provides the group members with someone they can relate to and who understands them well enough to provide them with suggestions and help. It also provides the coach (if you are in this industry or simply act as coach at work, at home and within your community where you serve) with an opportunity to practice his / her skills by working with different groups that have different needs/goals.

    Benefits of group coaching that would help coaches and group members understand its importance to changing people’s perspectives in life include amongst others:

    • Socialization
    • Motivation
    • Alignment of mission, vision and values
    • Shared accountability
    • Learning from peers' experiences
    • Comparing notes on experiences and progress
  • PLUS free and COMPLIMENTARY Access to all past group coaching sessions to date!! How cool is that? 🎁💥🤩🎉
  • PLUS the opportunity to receive one-one-one coaching with Lynette during 2024! 🤩
  • You save almost $40 | R1 000 (2 months' membership fees)  

** Accredited EIA Trainers and EIA Members currently being trained as EIA Trainers:

For the EIA Trainer to remain relevant and to uphold and maintain licensing and certification rights, it is a requirement for the EIA Trainer (accredited or training in progress) to remain an EIA Member in good standing.

This means that the EIA Trainer needs to subscribe to either a monthly or annual EIA membership subscription with the EIA.

If EIA Membership is being discontinued for whatever reason, the EIA Trainer will loose certification and licensing rights and access to teach EIA material or sell EIA related reports and products. The ongoing EIA membership subscription serves also as a support offering by the EIA Management to certified and accredited EIA Trainers, to assist in upholding the latest versions and developments related to any EIA training related materials, tools, resources, templates.

Doors close on 30 June 2024

PS: If you don't have a PayPal Account, you can register an account free of charge.

You can also get access to PayPal as a once-off: just follow the prompts

You can then use your debit or credit card as a means of payment.

OR simply use the Payfast option for the Rand-based subscription.

Got any questions: e-mail us at [email protected]

Event hosted by EIActivator.life

By accepting this offer you agree to our terms, conditions and disclaimer.