$17 | R200 every month

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[6.3] Special $17 Member Offer_Keep Library open YEAR 1 & 2 EIA [1.2 & 2.2 renewals]

(Offer ends 31 January 2024)

Not ready to renew EIA Membership at the special Member rates? Fallen behind on your EIA journey? Want to catch up, but there's too much to consume and too little time?  

We totally get that!  Our EIA Members have spoken and we listened! 😍

This special offer of $17 | R200 per month is perfect for you if:

  • You are not ready yet to renew your membership for another year (Year 3 or beyond)
  • Life happened and as a result you have fallen behind on lesson releases and membership engagement opportunities
  • You wish to first study, apply and master the principles learned as part of the EIA roadmap before taking the learnings to the next level, at your own pace and at your own convenience

If you have answered 'yes' to any one of the three statements above, then this special offer will hopefully provide you with comfort, in knowing that you have tried your best and that we here at EIA fully support you!  We don't just simply leave anybody behind!

So here's the deal:

  • Pay $17 | R200 per month and continue to have access to Year 1's and Year 2's EIA Membership Library (including all 41 EIA lessons, recordings to monthly Q&As and masterclasses, as well as all bonus content received throughout year 1 and 2!)
  • Catch up on lessons you have missed, at your own time, and at your own convenience for as long as you need to
  • Continue to engage with other members in your existing EIA Care Group
  • You may cancel the monthly $17 | R200 payment anytime
  • When you are ready to join the full EIA Membership again in the future, during any of our upcoming member uptake periods (we launch twice a year), you can join again
  • Access to our offices for administrative support
  • For this much lower-priced option, you will unfortunately no longer have access to the following benefits:
    • EIA Membership Facebook Group
    • EIA Membership Telegram Group
    • Monthly live Q&As and one-to-one mentor support
    • Monthly live Group Coaching (year 3 and beyond)
    • One-to-one coaching opportunity

This special offer is our way of saying 'thank you' always for your support and for trusting this process. Remember: "Progress, not perfection"! 

* This option unfortunately is not available for EIA accredited trainers or trainers undergoing current accreditation facilitation and training.

When you stop feeling 'behind':

  • You’re not allowed to compare your progress with someone else’s progress, because you have no idea how that person measures up to your new criteria for success.
  • You seek out people who are genuinely happy and fulfilled so you can learn from them.
  • You stop burning yourself out trying to make up for lost time because you realize that you’re much further along than you thought you were.
  • You seek out experiences that bring you joy, excitement, and deep contentment!

The beauty of making progress is that you can achieve success and live a life of significance, regardless of your life's circumstances and conditions!

If you have any questions, you are most welcome to contact us at [email protected]

We look forward to celebrating you as you progress further, as you lean in and as you remain sitting close to the fire! 🌱❤

Much love,

Hettie, Annatjie, Arnel, Lynette and Kotie